featured-image-AR yearbooks

This is an augmented reality customer case: how cxocARd is being used in Colonel By Secondary School’s Yearbooks – AR yearbooks, referred as interactive memorable books.

Initially, let’s talk a little bit about how augmented reality reinvented book industry.

You did heard before how cxocARd is being used in books, such as

Watch this case, which is the initial AR book in Kenya:

Please watch the Jumping Jack Multiplication case : 

  • Kid book series, which are published by Editorial Atenea. It is one of the biggest education book publishers in Guatemala, Central America.

Watch the video regarding Editorial Atenea’s case about how to use cxocARd in their publications:

AR Yearbooks – InteractIve Memorable Book

Now, we are happy to announce a new book customer case: COLONEL BY SECONDARY SCHOOL. But now, we are in a yearbook case – AR yearbooks! In other words, cxocARd is being used in school yearbooks. The yearbooks are not just a yearbook covering lots of photos. Indeed, cxocARd enhances yearbooks to talk and have recurring memories. So, AR yearbooks can be referred as interactive memorable book.

cxocARd and Colonel By Secondary School collaboration started in year 2020. Therefore, 2020 yearbooks were augmented by cxocARd. 2021 school years were unfortunately like home-schooling due to COVID-19. But now, the class of 2022 yearbooks were augmented again by cxocARd. So, we are so glad to set up a long-term agreement with the school. 

It is possible to see the instructions on how to use cxocARd while glancing between pages in the yearbook Principal’s Message page. Here is the stated steps:

1- Download “CXOCARD” app either via App Store or Google Play Store as free.

2- Hold your mobile device over the pictures bordered by a yellow framed.

3- Enjoy the videos and multimedia content from Colonel By Secondary School 2021-2022.


As you can see in the instructions, the school management determined yellow frames wherever cxocARd is being used. Nearly in every page in the yearbook, exactly 37 cases are created in 2022 yearbook. That is to say, 2022 AR yearbook of Colonel By Secondary School includes 37 cxocARd target cases. So, what are they?  Memories from halls, gym, cafeteria, classrooms, library and beyond, many events such as halloween parties, Spirit Weeks, Fun Fridays, Day of Pink organized by CB’s Student Council. So, your memories can be always memorable. Yearbooks will be alive forever. Students in Colonel By Secondary School are named as “cougar” by the school management. The cougars excelled in academics, arts, technology, athletics, community support, global citizenship and friendships!

We are so happy to contribute Colonel By Secondary School’s yearbooks by keeping alive high school memories. We would like to declare that MEMORIES BRING BACK YOU via cxocARd!

cxocARd congratulates class of 2022 of Colonel By Secondary School. Have a good luck for their whole life!

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