Augmented Reality Business Cards


Augmented reality business cards are seen as a new way of pitching. In other words, augmented reality business cards can be a valuable tool to present you, your business idea, corporate video and others.


In the business world, pitching is termed as presenting our self and our work when we have to convince a colleague or a business partner regarding a new idea. Pitching has an attraction and persuasion aim. You can watch one of our case bellow for more details about this case you can click here 


When it is said pitching, elevator pitch comes into mind. The idea of an elevator pitch is that it’s short speeches; just like an elevator ride, the initial encountering. Actually, it is the most important pitch to seek an opportunity to your first meeting with a potential customer is executed well.

The aim of elevator pitching is sparking the curiosity of the recepient and facilitate to ask more questions about you and your company.

Elevetor pitch is particularly effective while looking for an investor due to its brevity. Hence, entrepreneurs prepare for themselves for elevator pitches.

In addition to elevator pitch, another type of pitch is the live plan pitch, which base upon more visual aids instead of speaking. The idea of live plan pitch is to offer a single page including all your relevant information and desired messages such as a market summary, financial information, or related legislation in a neatly formatted way. It works perfect when meeting with individuals and organizations who notice empirical data, such as accounting firms, financial planners, and banks.


Everybody have a business card to exchange each other. Business cards are cards bearing business information about a company or individual. They are shared during formal introductions as a convenience and a memory aid (Vikipedia). Business cards usually contain key contact details of a company. But, marketers have transformed into modern business cards with the purpose of driving customers.

That is to say, business cards are part of branding activities of a company that marketers create a difference while beating in the competition.

Traditionally, business card is used just for introductory purposes. In other words, business card is a tool for introducing someone and organization. Now, augmented reality business cards offer a new perspective for business cards. Thanks to augmented business cards, it is possible to include more things than traditional business cards just containing key contact information.

That is to say that augmented reality business cards are used not only for introducing ourselves, but also for creating an impressive image and convincing someone. Hence, it is more than introduction. A business card is actually the quick first impression of you, your brand on the recipients. Indeed, if you want to stick in one’s mind, prefering augmented business card is a perfect option for you.


  • cxocARd is one of the few  augmented reality business card solutions in the world that you could use. It is simple, elegant, affordable and has a strong programming at the back end. Attracting investors and clients can become much more easier via cxocARd.
  •  “When you meet someone that could potentially be a great prospect or connection, don’t you want him or her to walk away with a great first impression? A memorable business card does a lot more than just pass on an email address or phone number.”
  • “Most of us don’t like making a presentation, so why don’t you make your pitch more attractive with CXOCARD?”
  • “We all know that the first impression drives the meeting. Don’t forget that it is possible to make a good start with CXOCARD, attract attention and leave a great and positive first impression”
  • “Everyone could download and use CXOCARD however they simply need your business card to see live the experience. ” -Therefore, we add value to your business-


Augmented reality business cards can be a good option for business people, C level managers, entrepreneurs, marketers and salespeople.



Augmented reality enables business cards to become a pitching tool. Presenting you, your ideas, corporate videos.

FOR: Business people, C level managers, entrepreneurs, marketers and salespeople.

Take a picture of your business card and choose video that you want to match.

To experience AR technology request a FREE DEMO by filling out the form:

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Image of your business card
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